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By Soteekin päiväkirjat (Soteekki diaries) -blog you can have a look into the everyday life of Satakunta University of Applied Sciences' Service Center Soteekki. What  physiotherapy, nursing and social work students want to tell about their journey in  Soteekki? And what is the role of business students in a social and health service center? The blog highlights the special features of Soteekki from students perspective.

Strong together.

A step in the right direction – my experiences of walking and why you should try it out too


Walking has become a habit of mine even though maintaining consistency is challenging. I always prefer to walk instead of taking the car. Before writing this blog, I knew walking provides many health benefits, refreshes the mind, and boosts our mood. However, sometimes, I find it a challenging and somewhat boring task to perform. In …

Do your bit, give skin cancer the flick!


Blog series: fitness and physiotherapy (part 5)


The downsides of fitness The first thing we would like to highlight is that many of the following issues we discuss are based on the athletes’ own experiences and some of the information is referenced. Everyone experiences the sport in their own way and everyone will certainly have their own challenges in the sport, if …

Happy Mother’s Day!


Writer: Nursing student Madina Haidari There is no such word in the world to describe the precious position and worth of a mother, but they are the living angels bring so much brightness and blessings our life by their presence. Today, as we celebrate Mother’s Day, it’s an opportunity to reflect on the unparalleled role …

Happy International Nurse Day!


Writer: Nursing student Yang Hu International Nurse’s Day is celebrated on the 12th of May since 1965. This day commemorates the contribution of nurses to the public. The Finnish Nurses’ Association is a member association of the international organization of nurses called the International Council of Nurses (ICN). It celebrates the day this year with …

Blog series: fitness and physiotherapy (part 4)


Fitness athletes’ own experiences Below you can see our second interviewee’s own experiences and thoughts on the sport. Saara, 23 yrs., Team Step2Fit, Bodyfitness Second we interviewed Saara. She is 23 years old and represents the Team Step2Fit team. Her sport is Bodyfitness (Body fitness is a sport that aims to build more muscle mass …

Blog series: Fitness and physiotherapy (part 3)


Fitness athletes’ own experiences We interviewed fitness athletes who have already competed. We asked them a few questions and also asked them to tell us about their sport in their own words. Below are our first interviewee’s own experiences and thoughts on the sport. Riia, 20 years old, Team Piukat Paikat, Bikini Fitness Our second …

Blog series: fitness and physiotherapy (part 2)


Towards to the competition stages I started exercising regularly in August 2021. Then I was doing regular gym workouts without a coach. At that time, my training lacked a sense of purpose and progression, meaning that my development was not optimal or as fast as it could be. Initially, I was training in the gym …

Blog series: fitness and physiotherapy


From gymnast to fitness athlete I’m Sarianna Virtanen, 23-years-old young woman. At the moment I live in Pori, but I come from a small village in Kanta-Häme. I am studying physioterapy for the second year at Satakunta University of Applied Sciences in Pori. Right now, I’m doing a practice at the Soteekki service centre for …