Teams of the Soteekki

There are 6 teams within the Soteekki, in which each student can participate. The students themselves get to choose for which team they would be interested in. Based on the interest, the supervisors divide the students into teams, taking into account the students’ wishes as much as possible. Students can belong to a few teams, even now each Soteekki student is on two different teams. The teams are the international team, some and blog team, maintenance team, well-being team, experimental workshop.

International team, (KV-TEAM)

The tasks of the international team include helping students in translation situations. In other words, they help Finnish-speakers in English and take into account that international students understand what is happening in Soteekki, for example, weekly meetings are mainly held in Finnish, so the members of the international team are scattered around the international students, and they help with translations when needed. The international team members also translate Soteekki materials into English, such as translating the reading order.

Social media and Blogteam

Social media team takes care of the social media of the Soteekki, such as Instagram, facebook and tik tok. Updates may be made according to schedules agreed between your team. However, it would be desirable for updates to appear several times a week. Updates can be made on events, everyday life and services, for example. However, when updating on the social media, the customer must not be identified. Someteam can also maintain this Soteekki blog.

Sotekkki’s social medias:

Instagram @palvelukeskus_soteekki

Facebook @palvelukeskus_soteekki

TikTok @palvelukeskus_soteekki

Here Some- and blogteam´s member Elli updates Soteekki`s Instagram account. Photographer Laura Koivisto

Maintenance team

The maintenance team takes care of the inventory and cleanliness of the cabinets and warehouses at regular intervals. They also take care of repairing broken items. The maintenance team inspects the first aid kits once a month and, if necessary, take care of replenishing it. This way, during Corona, the maintenance team makes sure that masks and hand sanitizers are always available at the office. It is up to the members of the maintenance team to report the ordering of the missing goods and any equipment. However, all Soteekki have a responsibility to report if they notice anything necessary is missing or out of stock.

Work wellbeing – team (TYHY TEAM)

The wellbeing at work of the team, ie Tyhy team, includes taking into account the well-being of Soteekki’s work community. For example, they can organize surveys or events for Soteekki or even students of the whole SAMK. The Tyhy team organizes reliefs for weekly meetings, which can be, for example, a break exercise or any other relief. Former team members have organized coffee moments, photo orienteering, introductions and various work well-being afternoons, among other things.


In order to support accessibility, the Kokeilimo team presents various alternatives, such as aids for both physical and sensory accessibility. The team is responsible for introducing the Kokeilimo room to both customers and Soteekki students.

Kokeilimo Photographer Laura Koivisto
Kokeilimo Photographer Laura Koivisto

A blog post written by a nursing student Elmer Valkonen

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