Bright light lamps

Bright light lamps, do I need that?

When I – as a foreigner – heard about the bright light lamps for the first time, I was sceptical about it. I didn’t believe that these lamps should really help with my tiredness, as I didn’t even accept that my sleepiness was coming from the lack of sunlight (against what the lamps help). Nevertheless, I started reading about bright light therapy and started to see the logic behind it. Eventually, I tried working in front of such a lamp and it helped me a lot to get over my tiredness. So, in the following, you will see all the information, that made my try the lamp and an explanation on how to use it, if you get convinced, too!

Let’s start at the beginning. Every human being underlies different cycles, which influence sequences and processes in the body. Many of those cycles repeat themselves after one day. For that reason, they are called circadian (circa = about, dia = day) rhythms. One, for this article important circadian rhythm, is called sleep-wake cycle.

The sleep-wake cycle influences the human’s energy and activity levels and is affected by environmental cues, such as sunlight. Therefore, when the body is exposed to sunlight, serotonin is produced, generating alertness, and helping us to stay awake and active. At night, when the light outside diminishes, the internal clock initiates the production of melatonin, helping the organism to fall – and stay asleep.

However, what happens at this time of the year, as there is not much daily sunlight and most of the daytime is spend indoors? Logically, we won’t get enough sunlight. This causes an inadequate production of serotonin and melatonin, which in turn, leads to tiredness, fatigue, lack of motivation and in severe cases even to depression and insomnia.

This is where bright light therapy comes in. Bright light lamps mimic the natural sunlight and can therefore start serotonin and melatonin production, too. They replace the lost sunlight and help us to have more energy and positivity during the day and allow us to fall asleep easier at night. Thereby, bright light lamps can not only be used to replace lost sunlight due to the fall and winter season, but also help with various disorders such as SAD (= seasonal affective disorder), depression, dementia or even jet lag.

Finally, how should you use these lamps?

There is still a lot of research going on about that topic and it also depends on the reason for using the bright lamps. However, for the replacement of sunlight and activation of the body system, it is suggested to sit every morning at least 30min in front of the lamp. You should never look directly at the lamp, but your eyes should always be opened, so a simple reading, working or even eating would be possible.

If you now want to try it as well, you will find the bright light lamps in the SAMK Library every weekday (Monday to Friday). From Wednesday to Friday, there will be a program near the lamps from 08:00 to 10:00 am.

Writers: Anna Hagmann, Vilma Kaisla & Jemina Nurminen